Plan A Visit

Monday to Saturday 10:00am – 6:00pm. We are currently closed on Sundays. Bookings are not necessary.

The LAB Gallery
Foley Street, Dublin 1

+353 1 222 5455

Contact / Directions

Local Arts Partnerships & Programmes

Dublin City Arts Office’s strategy for developing and supporting local arts initiatives is to work in partnership with statutory, community development or voluntary organisations that have local knowledge, are active in communities and can share with us complementary objectives of artistic quality and area-specific benefit.

Similarly, working with colleagues across Dublin City Council departments, we aim to add value, maximise resources and support local arts initiatives in neighbourhoods across Dublin.

Please see sample partnership programmes as follows:

Childrens Arts in Libraries (City wide partnership through local library network)

Project 2020 (Dublin 1)

Youth Arts Partnership with City of Dublin Youth Service Board

The LAB Gallery