C2CC - Clontarf to City Centre Active Travel Route
A Two Stage Open Competition
Briefing Document for Artists: Stage 1
A Dublin City Council Public Art Commission
1. Introduction
Dublin City Council is developing an active travel route from Clontarf to the City Centre known as the Clontarf to City Centre Scheme or C2CC. The design and development of this infrastructure led by the Environment and Transport Department in Dublin City Council with the National Transport Authority will be transformative for this part of the city. As part of the scheme the National Transport Authority has provided funding under the Per Cent for Art Scheme for a public art commission. The theme of the commission is Active Travel. Active Travel is defined as ‘travelling with a purpose, using your own energy’. This theme is chosen to provoke ideas and thoughts relevant to the development of C2CC but it is also open enough to give ‘creative space for the artist’.
2. Invitation
This invitation is open to artists or teams and the competition is being organised on an open call two stage basis. The commissioners will welcome proposals in any artform and form of practice which relate to C2CC and also to the theme of Active Travel. The proposal must be for a new and original artwork and could include permanent work, temporary or time base art, such as performance based or digital, etc. This brief is intentionally open and the commissioners wish to be surprised by the originality of ideas combined with feasibility of proposals. This commission is open to Irish and international artists. Up to four proposals will be short-listed for further development in Stage 2. Fees will be payable to short-listed artists for the further development of their initial proposals.
3. Context of the Commission
The Clontarf to City Centre Cycle & Bus Priority Project (C2CC Project) will provide segregated cycling facilities and bus priority infrastructure along a 2.7km route that extends from Clontarf Road at the junction with Alfie Byrne Road, to Amiens Street at the junction with Talbot Street. The route is identified as a primary route in the Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan, published by the National Transport Authority in 2013. In addition to C2CC being a transportation route underground services and utilities have been installed and upgraded as well as greening and tree planting.
The project will deliver the following:
Provide high quality, continuous and consistent cycling facilities to cater for existing and future demand.
Improve the urban realm, landscape and built environment along the route.
Protect vulnerable road users through the delivery of a safe and attractive route for commuter and recreational cycling, and the upgrade and provision of additional pedestrian crossings.
Improve bus journey times and reliability.
Simplify the interchange between bus services and other transport modes;
Reduce reliance on private car transport.
Provide for a reduction in transport emissions through encouraging a modal shift to active travel and public transport use.
For further information see:
Active Travel: https://www.dublincity.ie/residential/transportation/active-travel
C2CC: Clontarf to City Centre Project | Dublin City Council
4. Technical Parameters
Please see Appendix 1 for more information about the location including maps, drawings and computer generated images of what the scheme shall look like once complete at a number of locations along the route. Further information will be available at the Briefing Meeting.
5. Finance
The value of the commission is €90,000 including VAT. This amount is fully inclusive of all insurances required, documentation, taxes and VAT. Please note that for artists who are not based in Ireland this fee will have to include VAT payable at 23%.
All short-listed artists will be paid an honorarium of €1,500 for completing the submission / application process.
6. Commissioning Process and Selection
This is a two stage open competition. The first stage invites submissions that outline the proposed commission and how it will be created and brought to the public. Artists and teams will also be required to provide biographies of key team members and examples of previous work. Further details of submission requirements are outlined below.
Stage 1
An initial selection process will be undertaken by public art specialists with extensive experience in assessing artists’ proposals and with understanding of the breadth and depth of public art commissioning practices across artforms. These specialists will select a long-list of proposals from the first stage submissions. This longlist will then be considered by a selection panel composed of public arts specialists, city officials connected to the project and community representatives. This panel will shortlist up to four proposals for further research and development.
Stage 2
Shortlisted artists and teams will be invited to undertake further research and development of their proposals and fees will be paid for this work. Artists or teams selected for Stage 2 can be asked to specifically address certain ideas or issues in their proposals. This stage of development is primarily focused on refining the artistic proposal but is also used to demonstrate that the commission is feasible in terms of development and presentation, project management, technical and financial detail, etc.
7. Briefing
A briefing has been posted, see video below. This describes the context of the commission and is also intended to address frequently asked questions.
8. Criteria for Stage 1
Proposals will be assessed using the following criteria and a minimum percentage score of 70% will be required in each criterion to qualify for the long-list:
9. Queries
Artists or teams are welcome to submit queries to the Public Art Officer. Contact publicart@dublincity.ie. The closing date for queries is Friday 8th March @ at 12 noon.
10. Closing Date for Submissions
The closing date for Stage 1 proposals is Tuesday, 19th of March 2024 at 12.00 noon. Late submissions will not be accepted.
11. Submitting Proposals for Stage 1
Stage 1
In stage one, artists or teams are invited to present a concept and overview of their proposal. It is not envisaged that these proposals will be developed in great detail but it is important that enough information is provided to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal.
Proposals may only be submitted online through the Dublin City Arts Office Submittable website. Maximum file size for each PDF is 25 MB.
11. Time Scale
The intended time scale of the commission(s) is for presentation 9 months from the signing of contracts.
12. General Conditions
· Late submissions will not be accepted.
· Submissions will only be accepted on the online platform Submittable at dublincityartoffice.ie
· The selection panel, whose decision is final, has the right to clarify any issue which may arise in the course of selection.
· Artists may be asked to present their work to the selection panel.
· Artists or teams may be asked to supply the names and contact details of referees as part of the selection process.
· Dublin City Council reserves the right not to award commissions and in this instance reserves the right to pursue other selection processes.
13. Terms and Conditions
· The successful artist/team will be issued with a contract.
· The appointed artist/team will be required to have the following insurances:
Public Liability Insurance cover of €6.5 million with an indemnity to principal extension.
Employers Liability Cover of €13 million with an indemnity to principal extension (where employees are engaged to work on the Commission).
· The Commissioners will not insure equipment belonging to the artist or their associates.
· The artwork must comply with Health and Safety standards. The successful submission will be subject to Health and Safety checks.
· Child and Vulnerable Adults Protection: Selected artists will be required to follow national policy with regard to commissions involving interaction with children, young people and, vulnerable adults and where applicable undergo training in this area, as per national requirements.
· The appointed artist/team will have to supply an up to date tax clearance certificate prior to signing of contract and for the duration of the commission.
· Applicants should note that all commissions awarded are VAT inclusive, (whether VAT liability lies with the artist or the Commissioner). Non-resident artists from EU and non-EU countries must be aware of any tax or VAT implications arising from the commission and ensure that any costs arising from this are included in their budget.
· Dublin City Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 1997, 2003. If you consider that any of the information supplied by you is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for the sensitivity specified. In such cases, the relevant material will, in response to the FOI request, be examined in the light of the exemptions provided for in the Acts.
14. GDPR Compliance
The purpose for processing the data you provide is for the selection of a public art commission reacting to the Clontarf to City Centre Travel Route. The information you provide will be accessed by staff of Dublin City Arts Office and invited external specialists and may be shared with relevant Dublin City Council staff. Your information will be retained for 6 years if successful and 1 year if unsuccessful with your application. This process is being undertaken in accordance with the Arts Act 2003. If you do not furnish the personal data requested, Dublin City Council will not be able to process your application. You have the following rights, in certain circumstances and subject to applicable exemptions, in relation to your personal data:
· The right to access the personal data that we hold about you, together with other information about our processing of that personal data
· The right to require us to rectify any inaccuracies in your personal data.
· The right to require us to erase your personal data.
· The right to request that we no longer process your personal data for particular purposes.
· The right to object to our use of your personal data or the way in which we process it.
Please note that to help protect your privacy; we take steps to verify your identity before granting access to personal data. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please submit a request to our Data Protection Officer outlining the specific details of the request: Email: dataprotection@dublincity.ie Tel: 01 2223775. All valid requests will be processed without undue delay and in any event within one month of receipt of the request. This period may be extended by up to two further months where necessary.
Appendix 1
Proposed Scheme Design and Layout
Computer Generated Image of Completed Scheme at Amiens St. / Talbot St.
Computer Generated Image of Completed Scheme at James Larkin Complex (North Strand Road)
Computer Generated Image of Completed Scheme at Annesley Place / North Strand Rd
Computer Generated Image of Completed Scheme at Fairview Strand / Fairview
Computer Generated Image of Completed Scheme at Marino Mart
Computer Generated Image of Completed Scheme at Malahide Rd / Clontarf Rd
Clontarf to City Centre Scheme (C2CC) Location and Extents .
Please click here to open the maps
Clontarf to City Centre Scheme (C2CC) Location and Extents
Please click here to open the map
Should you need to contact us, our details are below:
artsoffice@dublincity.ie 01 222 5455